Welcome to another fun hop that is full of inspiration!! If you have just come from
Lucy's Blog you are in the right place. If you just happened to stop by and would like to start at the beginning, please start at Lisa's Blog. We have a list of fabulous sponsors too!!
Royal Prize Pack from Theresa TheScrapbooking Queen
$15.00 Gift Certificate from KaDoodle Bug Designs
$10.00 Gift Certificate from Treasure Box Designs
Stamp Set of winners choice from Paper Sweeties
$15.00 Gift Certificate from Too Cute by Jessica
$15.00 Gift Certificate from Too Cute by Jessica
A gift valued at $10.00 from Lettering Delights
Please make sure you leave a comment and become a follower to be eligible for one of these fabulous prizes.
For my project I wanted to do a layout:
The images are all from Ppbn Designs I also used Close to My Hearts "Artbooking" cricut cartridge for the background, the title and the photo mats. Martha Stewarts border punch was used on the top of the layout.
Your Next stop is Connie
Here is the total lineup in case you get lost :)
1. Lisa Pontious ~ http:// honeybearzdesigns2011.blogspot. com/
2. Ashley - http:// thebloghopprincess.blogspot.com /...
3. Pam - http:// lovebugcreations3.blogspot.com/
4. Haidee-http:// created2bunique.blogspot.com/
5. Sandy- http:// scrapbookblessings.blogpsot.com /
6. Lucy ~ http://love2createitall.com/
7. Linda - http:// www.lindascreativity.blogspot.c om/
8. Connie- http:// conniecancrop.blogspot.com/
9. Raven- http://loveforstamps.com/
10. Kathy - http:// kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
11. Sarah - www.sarahbiswabc.blogspot.com
12. Christine http:// hotberrydesigns.blogspot.com/
13. Lori - http:// scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.c om/
14. Tricia~http:// lshdesigns.blogspot.com/
2. Ashley - http://
3. Pam - http://
4. Haidee-http://
5. Sandy- http://
6. Lucy ~ http://love2createitall.com/
7. Linda - http://
8. Connie- http://
9. Raven- http://loveforstamps.com/
10. Kathy - http://
11. Sarah - www.sarahbiswabc.blogspot.com
12. Christine http://
13. Lori - http://
14. Tricia~http://